Press Kit
Letter to press
We are very excited to announce this debut release from Dennis Rouse!
Scheduled to launch on December 9th, 2017, 10: Qualities That Move You from a Believer to a Disciple will be available wherever books are sold. The book has received endorsements from John Maxwell, Robert Morris, John and Lisa Bevere, Jimmy Evans, Larry Stockstill, Kevin Myers, Jeanne Mayo and more.
To go along with the book, there will be a sermon series and small group curriculum for people to further engage with the message of 10.
The book’s purpose is to guide people through the process of moving from believers to disciples. The 12 disciples lived normal, ordinary lives until Jesus invited them to follow Him. In a moment, they discovered that God placed them in the world to be a part of changing it with Christ. They chose to follow Him regardless of the cost.
This premise serves to take readers from simply doing ‘the church thing’ to living extraordinarily by helping them understand the power of choosing God’s plan for their lives over their own.
10: Qualities That Move You from a Believer to a Disciple is for followers of Christ who are serious about knowing where they are going, rather than wandering aimlessly through life.
Dennis Rouse is the senior pastor of Victory World Church, one of the largest multicultural churches in America with more than 16,000 members representing over 140 nationalities. He is a sought-after speaker both nationally and internationally on many different topics, including the future of the church, how to build a multicultural church and leading the next generation.
We look forward to working together to promote this project in a way that adds value to your platform. With a clear and compelling goal to help the global church and its leaders become more relevant and equipped to serve and reach emerging generations, Dennis can provide transformational insight for your audience.

Press Release
“I’ve known Dennis for over 25 years and watched him lead one of the more unique churches in America with over 140 different nationalities. This book, 10, defines the key that unlocks the power of the church to impact the world by moving people from believers to disciples!”
— John Maxwell, The John Maxwell Co.
"This book will refresh your soul and give you a new perspective on what it means to follow Jesus."
— John Bevere, Bestselling Author and Minister, Cofounder of Messenger International
Atlanta, Georgia — The upcoming launch of Dennis Rouse’s debut release is already much anticipated! The book has received endorsements from influencers and leaders, including John Maxwell (The John Maxwell Co.), Robert Morris (Founding Senior Pastor of Gateway Church, best-selling author of “The Blessed Life”, “Truly Free” and “Frequency”), John and Lisa Bevere (Founders of Messenger International, best-selling authors and speakers), Jimmy Evans (Founder of Marriage Today, author of “Marriage on the Rock” and “The Right One”) , Larry Stockstill (Teaching Pastor at Bethany Church, author of “Cell Church,” “The Remnant” and “Model Man”), Jeanne Mayo (Founder & President of Youth Leader’s Coach and The Cadre), Kevin Myers (Founding Pastor of 12Stone Church) and more.
The book’s message:
Dennis guides people through the process of moving from believers to disciples. The 12 disciples lived normal, ordinary lives until Jesus invited them to follow Him. In a moment, they discovered that God placed them in the world to be a part of changing it with Christ. They chose to follow Him regardless of the cost.
This premise serves to take readers from simply doing ‘the church thing’ to living extraordinarily by helping them understand the power of choosing God’s plan for their lives over their own.
10: Qualities That Move You from a Believer to a Disciple is for followers of Christ who are serious about knowing where they are going, rather than wandering aimlessly through life.
Dennis Rouse is the senior pastor of Victory World Church, one of the largest multicultural churches in America with more than 16,000 members representing over 140 nationalities. He is a sought-after speaker both nationally and internationally on many different topics, including the future of the church, how to build a multicultural church and leading the next generation.
For more information, please visit:
Facebook: @dennisvrouse
Twitter: @dennisvrouse
Instagram: @dennisvrouse
In 1990, God drew Dennis and his wife Colleen back to Atlanta to start a church with a vision based on the last words spoken by Jesus in Acts 1:8, and Victory World Church was born.
In the years since it began, Victory has become one of the largest multicultural churches in America with more than 16,000 members representing over 140 nationalities. Dennis and the church have a strong emphasis of moving people from just being believers in Jesus to becoming His disciples.
Pastor Dennis’ life is based on three central principles: simplicity, sincerity and sacrifice. He and Colleen have a clear and compelling goal to help the global church and its leaders become more relevant and equipped to reach emerging generations. Dennis is a sought-after speaker both nationally and internationally on many different topics, including the future of the church, how to build a multicultural church and leading the next generation.
“I’ve known Dennis for over 25 years and watched him lead one of the more unique churches in America with over 140 different nationalities. This book, 10, defines the key that unlocks the power of the church to impact the world by moving people from believers to disciples!”
— John Maxwell, The John Maxwell Co.
"The Bible talks a lot about being a disciple of Jesus, but how does that apply to us today? In this book, Dennis Rouse breaks it down into simple terms and explains what it really means to be a disciple. I have been friends with Dennis and his wife, Colleen, for many years, and I know what he has to say about discipleship will transform your life. If you’re a believer looking to take your relationship with the Lord to a new level, this is the book for you!"
— Robert Morris, Founding Senior Pastor of Gateway Church, Bestselling Author of The Blessed Life, Truly Free, and Frequency
"If I had this book in my formative years as a Christian believer, I would no doubt be a better disciple today. In 10, Dennis Rouse “the Pastor” comes from behind the podium, steps down from the platform, sits on stool and teaches us 10 authentic traits of a mature Christian disciple. Like me, you’ll be gripped by the compelling authenticity and biblically based pragmatic steps leading us to be a 10. Individuals and small groups will grow to a 10, and so will God’s Kingdom."
— Sam Chand, Leadership Consultant and author of Bigger, Faster Leadership
"Dennis Rouse is one of the leading pastors in America and has built a dynamic church full of passionate disciples. This book spells out the practical steps of how average believers can become world-changing followers of Jesus. This passion is what’s missing in much of the church today. I believe every Christian should read this book, and all pastors should use these principles to teach their members to be true disciples of Jesus."
— Jimmy Evans, Author of Marriage on the Rock and The Right One, Founder of Marriage Today
"10: Qualities that Move You from a Believer to a Disciple takes us on the journey to engage in the vibrant life of the fully committed. This transformation is not rooted in our performance, but in our realization of the love of God. Dennis’ passion is contagious. You will love the practical guidelines that serve as tools to help us take steps forward. Thank you, Pastor Dennis, for marking this path for all of us to follow!"
— Lisa Bevere, New York Times Bestselling Author of Without Rival
"One of the greatest challenges of being a Christian is keeping our relationship with Jesus as our life’s primary passion and purpose. In 10, Dennis Rouse challenges us to take an honest look at our faith and shift from simply believing in Christ to actively walking with Him each and every day. Drawing from his own faith experience and thoughtful insights from God’s Word, Dennis shares practical ways we can all grow closer to Jesus and truly live as His disciples and not just as believers."
— Chris Hodges, Senior Pastor, Church of the Highlands, Author of Fresh Air and The Daniel Dilemma
"As a rule, a book is rarely more powerful than the author. When I met Dennis, our friendship was immediate and easy. As I watched God build a great church under his leadership, I saw Dennis walk with a depth that was powerful. This book comes from a man who lives the principles it describes. No wonder it is transforming lives! Read the introduction. I’m convinced it will be enough to pull you into the whole journey. This book is personal, biblical, accessible and life-changing. It’s the kind of book you read for yourself, then you’ll take it into your small group, and then into your circle of friends!"
— Kevin Myers, Founding Pastor, 12Stone Church, Lawrenceville, Georgia
"I’m not a person given to political rhetoric or exaggerated words of acclaim. With that simple fact established, I will tell you that Dennis Rouse’s book 10 should be “required reading” for the 21st century church. It genuinely exudes passion, vulnerability, courage and authenticity. Even more importantly, each chapter emanates from a focused sense of biblical accuracy and refreshing practicality. Individual believers and small groups will be inspired with renewed purpose to be a biblical “10” — both in their personal character development and in their pursuit of Christ. In a church culture that has sadly allowed talent to become an acceptable substitute for genuine anointing, 10 stands in a league of its own. Postpone reading this book at your own peril."
— Jeanne Mayo, Founder & President of Youth Leader’s Coach and The Cadre, Author, Speaker and Director of Youth & Young Adult Outreach at Victory World Church, Norcross, Georgia
"10 will help you take your church family to a whole new level of discipleship. What Dennis has shared will fuel the passion, love and commitment of true disciples so we can be the salt and light for the Lord in our world."
— Tom Mullins, Founding Pastor, Christ Fellowship, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
"Dennis is an amazing pastor who has created an incredible resource for Christians. His book 10 provides a succinct way to bridge the gap between information and transformation. In our society, we are inundated with increasing volumes of data, and information sharing has become the false positive of genuine growth. In contrast, 10 goes to the heart of the issue: it addresses the key biblical principles of personal change. This book translates discipleship into a practical template which anyone can apply. I wholeheartedly recommend it. 10 is a must-read. Dive in; you won’t be the same. Dennis has knocked it out of the park!"
— Gerald Brooks, D.D., D.C.L., Founding Pastor of Grace Outreach Church, Plano, Texas, Author of The Building Blocks of Leadership
"When a man condenses his lifetime of pastoring to 10 life-changing principles, you need to listen. Dennis Rouse has the character, integrity and pastoral clout to speak about discipleship. His motivation in writing this book is to raise up a new generation of disciples, and not just attenders. Prepare for a powerful, time-tested curriculum of personal spiritual growth . . . that can change our nation."
— Larry Stockstill, Teaching Pastor at Bethany Church, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Author of Cell Church, The Remnant and Model Man
"One of the greatest needs in today’s church is a resource that explains to the believer that a relationship with Christ involves a life of genuine discipleship. For many, the decision to follow Christ is the first and last step, but actually, it’s only the first. In this book, Pastor Dennis accurately communicates the life of discipleship for every follower of Christ."
— Joe Champion, Lead Pastor, Celebration Church, Austin, Texas
"As long as I have known him, Dennis Rouse has always pursued being an authentic Christian. His book 10 is more than just a title. It is a great read, and his life matches his words. After watching him for 20 years, I can authenticate that his life has been devoted to God and the things of God. His expansive ministry gives full proof that his message of grace-empowered obedience is being followed by many people. His church has become an example of multitudes of nations being united in one body of disciples — the unity Jesus prayed in John 17 we would experience. Dennis’ church is the fulfillment of Revelation 7:9 that 'all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb.'"
— Bishop Wellington Boone, Chief Prelate, Fellowship of International Churches
"My dear friend Dennis first shared the priceless gems of this book with me years ago. His insights and clear choices indeed transform believers into passionate, dedicated disciples. As a pastor, I see tremendous value in Dennis’ message. This book is a powerful resource for the local church. It equips small group leaders and challenges every reader to take his or her faith to the next level. This book is truly a perfect '10'!"
— Steve Vaggalis, Destiny Worship Center, Destin, Florida